Support the VRPA today!

The Vermont Recreation and Parks Association is a 501c3 Non-Profit organization. All donations are tax deductible. 

The mission of the Vermont Recreation & Parks Association is to provide training and resources to help Vermonters to "Create Community through People, Parks and Programs."

By donating to the VRPA you helping ALL municipal, non-profit, and private businesses, associations, and agencies by helping us provide necessary training opportunities, advocacy, connections, and support. 

Show your support by donating to the VRPA!


For more information about Partnering, Sponsoring, or Advertising with the VRPA, Click Here!

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Partner with the VRPA!

One of the goals of the VRPA in the next several years is to cultivate new relationships with outside organizations that support the VRPA’s mission and provide complimentary support and resources to our members. 

We are interested in working with businesses, non-profits, state agencies, and others to develop new ways to support & provide to our members. 

Articulating the benefits of the parks and recreation profession to individuals, neighborhoods and communities can be a challenging task. Through new partnerships we hope to help tell the untold stories and highlight the diverse benefits derived from parks and recreation in our communities.  To accomplish this goal, we need partners interested in the Parks & Recreation profession as a whole that are interested in helping make a lasting impact to communities throughout the state. 

“We Create Community Through People, Parks and Programs”

Parks & Recreation...

· Strengthens a communities image and sense of place

· Supports economic development

· Strengthens safety and security

· Promotes health and wellness

· Fosters human development

· Increases cultural unity

· Protects environmental resources

· Facilitates community problem solving

· Provides recreational experiences

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