VRPA Membership
Membership Category Details
Vermont Recreation and Parks Association – Membership Categories
Recreation and/or park-related agencies, organizations, and companies including government, non-profit, and commercial. The annual fee for an agency is based on the total number of full-time (FT) staff employed by the agency. Agency membership includes all full-time and part-time year-round staff AND the board/commission chair. Everyone affiliated with an agency member, registers at the member rate for all VRPA events.
Individual Professional:
Individuals engaged in full-time and part-time recreation, park, sport and related work in a government, non-profit, or commercial organization/business.
Recreation and/or park boards and commissions of political sub-divisions of the town, or boards of directors of non-profit and recreation related organizations. Includes all members of the board.
Commercial Vendor & Service Provider:
Profit companies including product and service providers, consultants, etc. Includes one-five staff membership options and a link from the VRPA website to the commercial member company website.
Non-Profit Organization
Recreation and/or park-related non-profits with 501c3 status. The annual fee for a non-profit agency is based on 1-4 full-time (FT) staff employed by the organization. Agency membership is available for more than 5 FT employees.
Performance Artist:
Individuals or businesses that provide performing arts services, including but not limited to: music, magic, puppeteers, dancers, jugglers, comedians, DJ's, storytelling, etc. Includes one individual membership and a link from the VRPA website, as well as your performance details and contact information in our Artist Directory.
Individuals attending educational institutions full-time who are preparing for a career in recreation and park related work.
Any interested person including seasonal employees, volunteers, individual board/commission members, or park and recreation enthusiasts.
Individuals having been employed full-time in recreation and parks whose employment was terminated due to retirement. Must have held active membership for at least five years prior to retirement.
Honorary Life:
An individual who has made significant contributions to the Park & Recreation field in Vermont. These individuals are selected by the VRPA Executive Committee and receive a FREE lifetime membership.